June 07, 2008

Songs That Make Me Smile

Hall & Oates

I heard this song today while running errands. It took me back to my sophomore year in high school. My friend Liz, who I hung out with on weekends quite a bit right before my family moved to Colorado, and who took my sister and I to our early morning seminary class, loved Hall & Oates. Even though my dad loves all types of music, it was Liz who introduced me to this group. We'd listen to some of her tape mixes on our way to seminary and on our many Saturday night Taco Bell/TP outings. We were involved in a TP war with some of the boys we knew. If we weren't out TPing their houses, we were catching the latest movie or bowling with those same boys, all the while listening to Maneater and other songs in the car. My life was so full of flirtation, excitement and teen angst back then--and it's easy to smile about it twelve years later.


wackywilsons said...

I am caught up in your blog again:)

Congrats on your house repairs...now you need to send some pics!

How do you find time to run a 5K at home? What do you boys do while you are sweatin' it out? Early am hours? tv time? Good for you!

It's a good thing you are a super mom...and I would definitely say that you are a super mom most of the time:)

foreveryoung said...

I love when songs take you back in time like that. Has it really been 12 years? Thanks for reminding me how old I am too! :)