June 17, 2008

Crisis Not Averted

Two weeks ago I was Superwoman. Today I am Supermoron!

I headed out early with the boys to get all the shopping done that I've been needing to do. Return a towel to Kohls that was not absorbent at all--Marc refused to use it. Buy a few bath-caddy type baskets--my small master bath is driving me crazy with it's lack of storage space. Look for shoes for Anderson and khaki church pants for Carter--I've been looking for about a month and a half for pants and haven't found any. I don't care that it's summer, he needs some khaki pants! Look for some new running attire--Marc and I are back in training this summer. What were we thinking signing up for the St. George marathon again?!?

So it was an errand morning--all the stores are clustered in the same vicinity about 6 miles away--with gas prices what they are, I really just wanted to get it all done in one trip. My poor boys. They did fairly well, only one or two incidents to speak of. So when we were finally finished at Payless, and with Target with a Starbucks right across the parking lot, I decided to head over that direction to treat them to a Starbucks Frozen Strawberry Lemonade (we sampled some a few days ago at the grocery store--perfect summer treat). We walked in to Target and got in line at Starbucks. Almost immediately I realized I had locked the keys in the car. Usually, I don't even lock my car door because let's be honest, who wants to steal my silver '97 Taurus. Probably no one, but today I had left my purse in the car and just grabbed my wristlet because it was going to be an in and out type of Target-run. Unfortunately, I put my keys in my purse instead of on my lanyard (the necklace type key chain) before I grabbed my wristlet. Then on second thought, because a somewhat shady looking person parked right next to me when I was getting Anderson out of his seat, I locked the door. I didn't even have my cell phone on me when I realized while in line the keys were in the car. Luckily a guy overheard me telling Carter our dilemma and offered me his phone. I called Marc--he told me he'd come bail me out, but to check the gas tank first--his dad had duct taped a key inside. I went and checked--it looked as if we were out of luck. We headed in to Starbucks and the food court to wait for Marc.

As we were drinking our strawberry lemonade and eating our cheese pizza, Marc showed up. Unfortunately this is where instead of just a Plain Jane Moron, I turn into Supermoron. He said that before coming in, he checked the gas tank and the key was in fact there. What!?! We finished up and headed to the car. The spare key was taped to the inside of the door to the gas tank. I had neglected to look there. What can I say, I'm fallible and S-T-U-P-I-D (so we don't say that word in our house, it doesn't mean I can't spell it!) and it's a darn good thing I've got a husband that can save the day.

Now, don't go stealing my car or anything in it because you know where the spare key is!


ixoj said...

When I do things like that (which is fairly often), I prefer to think of myself as unobservant rather than a moron. It may amount to the same thing, but it surely makes me feel better about myself. ;)

foreveryoung said...

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh...but the irony is kind of funny :) I always worry about that happening to me, and with Jason's 45 min. commute, I don't think he would be quite as nice as Mark was! Maybe I should consider the gas tank spare...

Natalie N said...

Oh, how funny is this story?! Good to know that you're human like the rest of us. YAY Marc for saving the day!!

Phillips Flips said...

I really had to laugh at this post, only because Nolan did the SAME spare key duct-tape key thing in our old car. And boy, it saved my life like once a month (I like to think it's just because I knew it was there:). So don't be too hard on yourself.