June 05, 2008


I try not to use my blog as a forum for bragging, but do you ever have days when you feel like Superwoman because you've accomplished so much? Today I am Superwoman--here's what I did:

7 loads of laundry
sorted through toys to get rid of old ones
sorted through clothes to get rid of old ones
fed the kids 3 meals and 3 snacks
organized spare papers
paid a medical bill
cleaned 3 bathrooms (minus the showers/tubs)
vacuumed/swiffered/mopped the 1st floor
ran a 5K (on the treadmill)

As always, it's taken me a while to get in the swing of things after moving, but I think I've finally figured out a routine. I'm sure the kids and Marc are very grateful to have their organized, planned ahead, put together mom and wife back. I sure am glad to be back in the game! And while I'm "bragging" let me make a shout out to my hard working hubby, too. He works approximately 50 hours a week, so by the time he gets home it's practically the boys' bed time and by the time they are in bed, we're both so tired, we haven't had much energy to accomplish anything on the ever-growing "Fix Up the House" task list. But, like I said I'm back in the swing of things which helps quite a bit so we've (he's) been knocking off things from that list, too:

Change master bedroom door--it had a doggy door in it! (check)
Move storm door from garage door to back door
Install doorstops in all doors (check)
Change boys bathroom toilet seat--it was a puffy blue one! (check)
Fix outdoor faucet (check)
Fix 3 sprinkler heads
Install laundry room shelf
Install floor transitions in laundry room, garage entry and back entry
Paint kitchen
Paint window sills
Putty/caulk/paint baseboards
Touch up paint
Caulk shower
Adjust blinds

Obviously, we've still got a ways to go but just having a few things done makes things feel much more manageable--we're on our way.


Livingstone Family said...

YOu really are superwoman! When you're finished being superwoman at your house, you can come on over to mine and be superwoman here too! Your house sounds amazing, I can't wait to see updated pics.

Livingstone Family said...

OH, and I wanted to tell you that your Tucon pictures made me cry. Did I already tell you that? I can't remember if I commented on them or not! I'm glad you had such a fun time, but it made me really desert homesick!

Colorado Smarts said...

I definitely think that you deserve bragging rights...way to go superwoman! Also, Carter's b-day party looked like a blast so props for also putting together a party for 4 year olds. And I'm jealous of your get-a-way with Marc. Sounds like a fun time!

Berly said...

Way to go. Every woman deserves the right to brag!! I am glad you are finally settling in.

Natalie N said...

Wow! What a team you are! Those days of getting lots done are VERY invigorating. 3 cheers for you! :)