May 08, 2008

Tribute to Mom (that's me!)

We are beginning to get a taste of what it's like to have end-of-the-year school activities--today was Carter's Parents Program at school. The kids sang songs like The Wheels on the Bus, The Hokey Pokey, and Itsy Bitsy Spider. Carter, being a bit shy, gave Marc his own little private concert in the corner while the rest of the class (predominantly girls) stood in a row along the wall. My sister and I were laughing so hard and I can't speak for her, but I was certainly crying! Unfortunately, after only 2 pics, my camera's batteries died and those were the last 4 we had. Being unprepared is the name of my game lately! I used my sister's camera to take more, but I'll have to wait until she can get those to me. I thought to myself on the way home that those people who don't like kids and don't choose to be parents are missing out on the only real humor that exists in life. And to add to the humor, as a Mother's Day gift, the children answered questions about their moms and Miss Amy recorded them in a book:

What is her favorite TV show? the news (maybe E! News :) )

It makes me happy when my Mom--is nice but she gets mad when Anderson or Dad gets mean. (for the record, Dad never gets mean!)

When she goes shopping, what does she like to buy? a lot of food like yogurt sticks or movies or strawberry things. I like that kind of stuff. (strawberry things refer to those Danimal or Yoplait drinks)

How old is your mom? 21 (27)

How tall is she? a lot tall. How many feet? a lot of big toes! (Wow, this one had the tears rolling again)

How much does she weigh? 43 pounds. I am 32. (I'm liking the last three answers a lot!)

What is her favorite thing to cook? my cake

If your Mom could go on a trip or vacation, where would she like to go? sledding in the snow in really big hills (Carter's friend Mia answered Costco for this one! Hilarious.)

I really love it when my Mom is really happy and nice.

What is her favorite thing to do at home? play with toys

What color are her eyes? like mine--red

What color is her hair? black--just like mine

What is her favorite song? ABCDF & G (this must be where the Hannah Montana came from)


Natalie N said...

That is darling! I love how Marc got the special one-on-one version of the songs. And the things about mom are too sweet! I love his quotes. :)

Colorado Smarts said...

I love all of Carter's little answers...they are priceless!

Hope all is going well with the move and that you are getting settled.