May 13, 2008

Quote of the Day

(This quote is a bit incriminating and I hesitate to post it but here it is anyway.)
I have a very sensitive nose--to bad breath in particular. Now add to the equation that Carter has had bad breath (not that bad, just not baby breath, you know?) since he was very little. (ask my sister, she'll attest to it!) Sometimes when we're playing around and our faces are close, I'll take a breath and then say "You're breath stinks," just playing around of course, because after all, I couldn't love my child more, bad breath and all. Taking all of that into consideration, this day was inevitable. He was in the midst of a teeny tiny melt down because he didn't want me to get Anderson up from his nap so I got down and gave him a hug and asked him if we needed to snuggle for a bit. "No," he informed me, "your breath is stinky." (He must have smelled the ice cream and brownie I sneakily ate while he was watching his cartoons.) I laughed, after all, I taught him that, and what can you do but be thankful you were in the privacy of your own home? Next time, I'm sure I won't be so lucky.

1 comment:

Natalie N said...

This is so funny! I love how he turned the tables on you. :)