May 19, 2008

Quote of the Day

I know my posts have been primarily "quotes of the day," but I'm still out of batteries for my camera and I have nothing terribly exciting to post besides the fact that I am completely overwhelmed by having a house--keeping it clean, organized and continuing on with the home improvement has sent me over the top. So until I can get back into my routine here we go again--

I know everyone gushes over having a potty trained child, but to be honest, though more expensive, living in a diaper world has it's advantages for a girl like me who doesn't want to deal with accidents. That being said, I wasn't selfish enough to scar my child for life and keep him in diapers until he's 4--when he was ready at a little over 3, we did what we had to do so he has been trained for quite some time now. Most of the time, he waits and waits and waits and waits some more until he finally dances to the toilet and relieves himself. On occasion he doesn't quite make it and leaves a wet mess for me to clean up which is why when we're in public and he all of a sudden needs to go, we make a mad dash for the restroom and all the while I whisper to him "Don't pee, don't pee, don't pee." So far the mantra has worked. The other day, Carter ran into the bathroom from the backyard while I was getting a drink of water. When I'd filled my cup and I was no longer deafened by running water, I heard Carter whispering to himself in the bathroom while he was pulling down his shorts, "Don't poop, don't poop, don't poop." I chuckled to myself. It's amazing what I teach my children!

This past weekend was our stake conference and we had the honor of having Elder Jeffrey R. Holland present to call a new Stake Presidency. Typically, because we have two young children, we don't attend the adult session on Saturday night but because of our special guest, we got a babysitter and went. He was amazing for lack of a better word, incredibly inspirational. That night, his remarks centered on trials and towards the end of his talk, he very powerfully and very loudly stated a few times that when times get tough we shouldn't be stupid and jump out of the boat. Boy was I glad he didn't say that during his remarks on Sunday when Carter would have heard him and surely would have loudly stated back, "We don't say that word!" I'm not sure which would be worse, hearing S-U-C-K during Sacrament like we did a few weeks ago, or having him reprimand an Apostle of the Lord.

1 comment:

Natalie N said...

"don't poop, don't poop..." HA HA! I love the quotes of the day...don't apologize for those! I think they're great. What a fun insight into these darling little kids!