March 26, 2008

Weird Weird Wednesday

We're a bit off schedule today since Anderson was up quite a bit last night--those last two teeth are coming in. By snack time this morning I couldn't listen to his grumpiness anymore so nap time it became. Carter watches a movie in my bed for his quiet time so we set that up, too and I got busy chopping up all the veggies I bought last night (I'm trying to conquer my sweet tooth once and for all so I've started a new "program" this week but that's another post!) for snacks and salads. I just finished and went to check on Carter--he's asleep, too. So, it's noon and both of my kiddos are sleeping. This is a weird, weird Wednesday but I'm not complaining! (Carter just started using the word weird--it sounds so funny coming from an almost 4 year old! This picture was taken on St. Patricks Day. Don't they look great in green?)

1 comment:

Colorado Smarts said...

Lucky you to have both kids asleep at the same time. Hope you enjoyed your "free time".