February 02, 2008

The Sweetest Sound

This month in primary, we've been learning all three verses to I Am a Child of God. Since I have the priviledge of being a Sunbeam teacher, and even better, Carter's Sunbeam teacher, (there are 2 FULL sunbeam classes in our ward) I have been able to brush up on that song, too and make sure that we practice at home. Most of the time we practice while we are in the car to keep Anderson from whining. Tonight on our way home from my parents house, Carter asked to sing so we did. Marc and I trailed off and stopped singing. The sweetest sound was listening to Carter sing the entire first verse all by himself for the first time. After a week where I feel more frustrated than content with motherhood it was a very rewarding moment. Now, the test will be whether or not he sings tomorrow during Singing Time. He most likely will not--he doesn't seem to like singing when he's supposed to!


Colorado Smarts said...

So, so sweet...there is nothing better to hear!

wackywilsons said...

First of all...post that chicken enchilada recipe stat!

I love that Carter knows that song...it is so simple and sweet and brings in the spirit so strongly.

Happy birthday to Marc, what a gorgeous place to go to...and how nice to be so bundled up in a winter wonderland...I haven't seen that much snow in years!

Misty said...

I can't wait for those days!

foreveryoung said...

awwww, what a heart melter! You are good to listen to church music in the car. I'm really trying to change my song selection when my kids are in the car, but it's hard! It's like an addiction I can't kick.

Natalie N said...

Cute little Carter! You've got the best calling in the world! I wish I could be a fly on the wall and see the Sunbeams in action every week. Your trip to Breckenridge (sp?) looked so much fun. Makes me wish we had snow out here.

Summer said...

Thank goodness for sweet moments like that to remind us why we do what we do.