January 07, 2008


I got tagged about a month ago but like I said, December left me a little thin for time. If you want to know six things you may not already know about me, read on.

1. Cleaning out my refrigerator tests my ability to keep food in my stomach. I thought of this today as I dumped some soup in the trash. I was holding my breath and being ever so careful not to touch the stuff because if I didn't oh, the gagging would be worse. It doesn't matter if the food was yummy at one point, after it has sat in the refrigerator for a week and even if there is no visible mold, it's still nasty enough to induce a gag reflex. If I'm preggo, you can just forget about it, Marc's got to do the duty.

2. I am the queen of returns. Maybe I'm just a little finicky when it comes to the way things work, look, etc. For example. I have returned three of the boys' shirts and one of mine to Old Navy recently--they were fairly new, within three months but had been worn and washed--because they had gotten holes in them. Another occasion and as written in a recent blog, Marc and I took a few trips to the Coach Outlet to return purses and wallets. In total I bought two purses, a wallet, and a wristlet. The wristlet is the only surviving piece. On Friday I returned a Santa gift--Anderson's ride on toy-- to Target because something went hay wire and even when the toy was off the lights would flash and when it was on the song played constantly, not just when a button was pushed. This self proclaimed title has made me wonder, am I the only consumer that seems to be a magnet for bum merchandise? (forget the purse examples for this--that was a matter of preference but to that I will admit that I am embarrassingly and frustratingly fickle)

3. I am obsessed with making sure we haven't lost any of Carter's Cars or Spiderman action figures. Every time I put them away, I make sure we have every single one and if we don't, I will turn the house up-side-down to find what we're missing. It's gotten to the point where I don't let the boys take them on errands anymore--just the Cars to church--just so I know that there's really no chance that they are lost lost, unless Anderson has thrown one away. I know, I'm a bit of a stress case.

4. While I cannot stand to clean out the refrigerator, I love to cook and bake--it has a calming influence on me, especially if there is cutting or slicing involved.

5. I am a closet viewer (and now I'm not) of E! news. When it gets a little dicey, I change the channel but I do like to keep up on my Britney (and other celebrity) news. Believe me, I'd prefer other celebrities but for now Britney seems to be the talk of the town. I realize this is empty information so I do try to balance it out a bit with other stimulation throughout the day. My current intelligent and fun reading is The Count of Monte Cristo.

6. In lieu of #5, both of my boys names were inspired by TV personalities. When Carter was born, I was hooked on Trading Spaces. Carter Oosterhouse was a tall, dark and handsome carpenter for the show. Marc insisted that we would not be naming our son after him but we certainly see who won that issue. Anderson Cooper did an interview with Oprah while I was pregnant with boy #2 and when I realized during the interview that he had an older brother named Carter, the name Anderson became a strong contender with the name Nathaniel. It certainly wasn't on purpose but now both our boys are named after people on TV. If we ever have another boy my top pick would be Milo. (read this to find out why) We may never have another boy and even if we do, I may never convince Marc to go with it, but for now I like to think I'll be able to go with tradition if boy #3 ever comes along and name him Milo.


wackywilsons said...

I just love reading your blogs...I feel like you express yourself so nicely and you are so genuine...like anyone can relate with your feelings!

I loved your year in a review...perhaps I will do it myself and post it in my journal as well...

I totally relate with the action figure obsessed thing...I know Wesley's Ninja Turtle parts and Transformer parts for sure! We have lost a few with our many moves recently, but with his birthday party coming up soon...we'll see what we can do!

elizabeth said...

diana, I just love how real and honest you are...your blog is such a fun read!

let's get together soon. maybe I can even try and catch up with you in the running dept. though i've been running at sea level for the last few months and my lungs are still adjusting.

renae said...

you are so funny!!! i am so glad to stumble across familiar faces in this blog world, and i have to say... i can totally hear you when i read. it feels like just last week i was at your brick apartment in provo talking about who knows what. hoorah for reconnecting, blog-style. :)