January 29, 2008

Quote of the Day

Tonight on the way home from dinner, Marc and I were discussing President Hinckley's death. This exchange was part of that discussion:

Marc: (to Carter) Do you know who died this week?
Carter: President Hinckley. (this wasn't the first time he's heard us talk about it)
Marc: That's right, we'll have a new prophet soon--President Monson.
Carter: What about you?
Marc: I don't think that's a good idea!
Carter: Yes it is, you be prophet Hinckley.

Clearly, Carter at such a young age, doesn't realize that we definitely do not aspire to certain callings, especially that one!


foreveryoung said...

That is so sweet, I always love what they come up with...so many things to comment on: 1) I want that chicken enchilada recipe 2)Mark's b-day surprise was such an awesome idea, I love how much thought you put into it. I am so not creative, but it's things like that that spice up the marriage. You've inspired me...too bad there's no snow sculptures in AZ. 3) what do you put on the air popped popcorn? We just got a popper and I'm so excited about it, but when I try to make butter popcorn by drizzling melted butter, it never turns out (too soggy, too much butter, not enough butter...). Any suggestions? Somebody said to spray it with cooking spray then sprinkle on Mrs. Dash's butter sprinkles, have you tried that? Okay, I think that's all!

Rohm Family said...

Thanks for the recipe- it is just what I needed, all the Rohm's are coming for a weekend of snowboarding- for me it means a weekend of cooking :) I love your snow adventure, what a fun trip.