November 16, 2007

The Healing Power of Running

Did anyone watch Grey's Anatomy last night? Miranda's rant during one of the last scenes resonated with my feelings so much it was almost uncanny!

In my plot to organize my house (you know, all the hidden stuff that most people don't feel the need to organize), on Wednesday night, I ran across written documentation of something a boy from the past said to me that at the time confused me and instead of calling him out on it, I let the statement simply make me feel not good enough. So, when I read about this circumstance from the past, and because I'm afraid my sweet sister might be living this awful portion of my life out in her own life, I conjured up all those dark and sad feelings I had seven years ago and sat and cried as I listened to Miranda go off on Shepherd because guys like him don't see girls like her. Marc thinks I'm nuts!

Fast forward to this morning. (Clap your hands for me, I made it to the gym by 8:30 with two boys in tow!) I was on the treadmill running and thinking, running and thinking when I heard the first notes of You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This by Toby Keith in my earphones. This is a song that reminds me of said boy from above. And, said boy was also a runner. And six years ago, I wasn't a runner and that is part of what made me imagine I wasn't good enough for him. About half way through the song I had gotten into a great running cadence and I started to feel strong. When the song finished, I replayed it and ran through it again. With each verse and chorus I felt stronger and stronger and by the end I could have shouted, but didn't so as not to embarrass myself, what I've known all along. I am good enough, and I've always been good enough.

This isn't about a boy, though. This is about me. I've always been plagued by the insecurity of not being enough or good enough for this or that or him or her. I don't know why I do this to myself but I do and have for as long as I can remember. I know that tomorrow something might happen to make me feel insecure again, but I also know that for 3 miles today I felt the healing power of running and it felt good!
(BTW--For some reason I still don't consider myself a runner even though I've run 1 marathon and 1 half marathon and continue to run and train for upcoming events. If that doesn't constitute a runner, then what does?)


Colorado Smarts said...

You are an amazing person inside and out...don't ever forget that!!

Andrea said...

You're not only a runner, you're a marathoner!! If you have the dedication to train, and the endurance, strength, and fitness to run a marathon than you can do anything.

Rohm Family said...

i love you D