November 01, 2007

Apple Pie, Anyone?

Now that Halloween is over, I'm moving on to the next big holiday. About six years ago I used my roommate's fantastic apple pie recipe to surprise Marc with a treat when he was coming home from a weekend away. I never wrote down the recipe and haven't been able to find one that compares since. It was no ordinary apple pie--it was a caramel apple pie, one in which you cooked the apples in some brown sugar and other stuff on the stove top to make a gooey caramel apple filling, then you filled your shell and baked. The result was absolute mouth watering deliciousness. If any of my readers have a recipe they think might compare to this, will you please post your email address in my comments--I'll email you and promptly delete your comment so no one gets your email address and then you can email me the recipe. THANKS!! For security reasons, I refuse to post my email address here, sorry!


wackywilsons said...

I have enjoyed catching up on your blog....I will await this recipe with open arms and an empty tummy!

I loved your new pics posted and your blog about your return to Cali to visit friends! I visited AZ this last week and my heart sank as I drove away from them, knowing how much they love me and how much I love them back...especially little Wesley who also misses his's hard to explain...but, you relate.

I hope to continue to make good friends here in El Paso, but it definintely does take lots of patience and it is hard to not compare to other friends....God will be good to us, just gotta wait!

Wow, arriving at 2am with your little ones at the airport, that is a sacrifice, hopefully you guys recovered from that one too...

Keep on posting!

foreveryoung said...

It sounds like you guys have been busy having lots of fun! What a fun Halloween and Cali trip. I'm glad you survived the loooong trip out :) I don't have a caramel apple pie recipe, just the regular version, but if you do get a copy of it you'll have to pass it along!

Jennifer said...

Diana Baer!! You are NOT 27! I just refuse to believe it. I'm so glad you said hi. It is fun to see your pictures and your family. You all look so happy. Do you live near your mom and dad? How are they? And Allison and Cameron? So nice to hear from you. I'll check back often. Send me updates on all your family.
