August 22, 2007

My #1

It has been nearly 9 years since Marc and I first met at BYU. It's interesting to reflect on first meetings of people who are close to me now because of course I had no idea these people would become so influential. Marc and I first met when we both happened to be in my neighbors' apartment at the same time on the first weekend of school. I had an instant connection with his roommate as we discovered through the "where are you from" then "do you know. . ." questions that I had attended my senior homecoming dance with his cousin. On a side note that was perhaps the worst date of my life!!! Anyway, I became friends with Marc and his roomy but not best friends or hang out friends. If we saw each other at the Cougar Eat we'd eat lunch together or something but other than that we didn't see much of each other except when we attended church on Sundays because we were in the same ward. I have snapshot memories of him for most of the fall and part of the winter semesters--he bleached his hair for Halloween, (it looked awful until it grew out to tips because of his dark complexion) we sat and chatted over Jamba Juice in the Wilk sometime after Thanksgiving, he visited my apartment for the first time right before Christmas break, I visited his dorm for the first time sometime in January. The roller coaster began around Valentine's Day when he couldn't decide if we were dating or not acknowledging each other at all and that ride lasted until April--almost an eternity. In April we were for sure dating, but very casually, and then that was it. The year was over I was going home for the summer and he was off to Brazil for two years. But since April 1999 he's been my #1.

Like I said, it is funny to reflect on these things because how could we have known then that we'd be where we are now--5 years married, 2 adorable boys, living in Colorado Springs starting our first job. I am so proud of my hubby--last week he passed his state board exam and finished his 480 summer clinical hours. He's official now and we couldn't be more excited.


wackywilsons said...

You two have always had such a strong connection and marriage...from the good ol' days of BYU I remember you sweet love!

Good think you guys make such adorable babies, keep them up!

Livingstone Family said...

Diana, I love your picture and your sweet post. Time goes so fast, it really is amazing. It seems like yesterday that we first met and you and Marc had been married only a few months, how time flies! I love your posts, I'm sorry we missed you in passing and hope you're all feeling better. I hope to catch up again soon, take care, XOXO.

foreveryoung said...

I love hearing people's love stories! Although you never finished the story after his mission, how long did it take before he popped the question? I think I remember you talking about him when we cleaned the Bean Museum together (or wait, was that your sister? Not the one talking about him, but the one I cleaned with? Anyways....) I still can't believe that it was that long ago! Oh, and a girl from my ECE major just moved to Colorado Springs, Miah Anderson. I don't know how big the church is there, but if you happen to be in the same ward tell her hi for me!

Misty said... look GREAT in that picture! I was just looking through old college pics and remember a lot of fun stuff about that year. It really is wonderful that everything turned out the way it did!

Rohm Family said...

what a fun entry, remember Nicole had a crush on Marc? Hope the new job is going good for you guys.

Misty said...

Who didn't have a crush on Marc? All through high school, he is all I ever heard about at EVERY stake dance!