June 18, 2007

Consumer Report

I confess, I am a great consumer. I love spending money so it's probably a good thing I married Marc because he keeps things in check for us. (Okay, okay, I do have a little self control, but it's true, I do my part to help the economy!) The location of our new home doesn't help my love for shopping and eating out at all. We have a Target and a TJ Maxx two blocks away and an Old Navy and Hobby Lobby (a larger, better Michael's) just up the road about a mile, not to mention all of the great restaurants that surround us. There is even an IMAX theater around the block. Since we've been here I have purchased three things I don't know what I did without.

Cherries are my most favorite fruit. I love them enough to buy them even when they are $7/lb. The boys love them, too and when Carter was little he'd let me bite into the cherry and get the pit out and give him the rest of the fruit to eat but now that he's 3 he is a little more particular about how his food is served to him so this ritual has been put to rest. I was thrilled when I saw this cherry pitter advertised in last month's Parents magazine. So, when we were finally settled and I had a little extra time I ran down to Williams Sonoma and bought it for a mere $12. Now the boys and I can all enjoy cherries pit-free, but only for a few more weeks. They're almost out of season!

On my way into Williams Sonoma to buy the cherry pitter, I noticed an antique store down the strip mall aways so, since I so thoroughly enjoyed my antiquing trip to Ventura with my friend Sumi just before we left California and fell in love with lots of antique decor, I took the boys into the shop for a brief look. Right as I walked in the door, I saw the perfect shoe basket which I've been needing for a while. I looked at the price and couldn't pass it up--only $14! After a brief browse I discovered that the rest of the store was full of expensive and breakable antiques--not my style but I was thrilled with my find. Now when you come to my house there is no longer that big pile of shoes greeting you at the door!

I've always heard great things from other moms about Oxi Clean but I have never bought any until now. I was amazed when my friend Sumi helped me get out a blackened chicken stain Marc left on one of his best shirts. I ran out and bought some of my own last week when Anderson drooled colored gold fish all over his nice new white polo. (Why did I buy white? I can't remember now!) Not only did that stain come out, I used it to get a bright red cherry stain out of Carter's new white dinosaur pj shirt. I'm telling you the red is gone and I'm sold for forever!


foreveryoung said...

I should try the cherry thing again. After helping my mom bottle cherries every summer I think I got cherry-overload, but they looked kinda tempting in that picture!

Rohm Family said...

D- I can't beleive you just barely discovered Oxy Clean. You will find 100's of uses for it now :) I am a big fan of cherries too- love em, I check my tree everyday but no cherries yet- I guess it takes a few years, it is a really tiny cherry tree.