June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Father's Day weekend started out feeling a little like Mother's Day. My dad called and wanted to take Carter for a hike and Marc decided he'd go and take Anderson, too. Not only did he take the boys and let me do my errand running by myself without feeling like there was a certain time I needed to be done, he told me as he drove away with the boys that if I didn't do something to pamper myself while I was out, he'd be really mad at me. (Do I have a great husband or what!?) The hike apparently only lasted 15 minutes or so because Carter tripped and fell and would having nothing more of hiking after that. The poor guy--it does look like it hurt. This is one of three pictures I have of the hike because Carter also would have no picture taking on the hike, hence the hand covering his face. So even though the hike was short and sweet, the boys zonked out on the way back to Grandpa's house for a hot dog BBQ and a movie. Meanwhile, I got to go on a mini shopping spree kid-free. Of course I only bought myself a pair of jeans while I hit TCP for their monster sale and got the boys really cute plaid shorts and a few other things and I got Marc a bunch of new clothes for Father's Day. I know, I know what Dad really wants clothes for his big day, but every few years he has to stock up since I usually spend the clothing budget every month on the boys and myself! Funny story about the plaid shorts-- (Marc got a pair, too but of course not from TCP) last year Marc noticed a few pairs and wanted one but I forbade him since they reminded me of some old old shorts he had when we were first married that I was eventually able to get rid of (probably behind his back since he loves to hold on to old things just in case and I'm the exact opposite). This year, I have had a total change of heart--I think they are way cool, so cool that I got all three of my
boys a pair. They were all wearing them yesterday after church, but wouldn't you know as many mental notes as I made to take a picture of them together in matching (sort of) shorts,
I forgot. Anyway, isn't it funny that for Mother's Day all we mother's want is a little "me" time and for Father's Day dad gets a bunch of time with the kids which in my case equaled more "me" time. Happy Mother's Day, twice!

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

Wait, was it Mother's day again?? You are so spoiled! :) It's funny because I was thinking the exact same thing that you wrote in your last paragraph about the difference b/w mother's and father's day. You've got a great hubby, glad he (and you) enjoyed his day!