March 05, 2007

Celebrating 5 years

Last Thursday was our 5th anniversary! Marc made a great attempt to surprise me with an overnight get-away to San Diego, (sadly, we've been in So Cal for 2 1/2 years without venturing south at all) but about a week before he decided he didn't want to make all of the decisions by himself. Of course, we couldn't leave the kids to fend for themselves, so we made it a very kid friendly get away by going to Sea World. We stayed in La Jolla--these pics are the view from there. Can you get any better than that?
He kept only one secret and that turned out to be a small cave adventure! I carried Anderson and Marc carried Carter down 145 steps to a little cove area. It was a tiny bit anti-climatic because once down there, there was only a tiny board walk to look out of the cave to the ocean. Marc wanted to hop down onto the rocks and get a closer look, but being sensible and border line afraid he'd slip and hurt himself, I said it probably wasn't a great idea. It was beautiful. After we hiked back up the stairs, we walked down to an open beach cove and Marc took Carter out into the tide pools to look for cool marine life. By that time, Anderson was asleep in the sling so I thought it best to stay and sit on a rock--no slipping and falling in the water for us!

We ate our anniversary dinner at a Thai resteraunt that might actually give the Thai Ruby (in Provo) a run for their money. It was so so so good. The next morning, before we hit Sea World, we made a quick stop so I could see the San Diego temple. I have never seen it before and it is beautiful. What you never see in pictures is how beautifully designed all of the windows are. Anyway, that was just a quick stop before heading to Sea World which turned out to be super super fun. Carter loved seeing all the fishies, but didn't get as adventurous as Marc and I. Marc touched everything, batrays, starfish, dolphins. I only touched the dolphins, which didn't take any courage, I've always thought that might be cool. Though the fish we fed them were a little nasty looking. But everything else would have taken courage I just don't have. (Speaking of this, if you saw Amazing Race last night, Marc would have totally had to do that road block with all that fish, yuk!) We saw huge sea turtles that seemed to be shedding their shells--does that happen? And of course the Shamu show was unbelieveable. Carter really liked the sharks--they had a huge fossil shark jaw that he is still talking about! The boys were certainly troopers--napping in the sling for Anderson and no nap for Carter made for a pretty quiet trip home! The only sad thing is that we didn't use sunscreen on the boys so Saturday and yesterday they were looking a bit pink, but seem to be looking a bit better today. Not a great mom moment for me to see them sunburned. But Marc keeps trying to make me feel better by taking part of the blame, I just think it's a mom's responsibility to do such things. On a funny note, doesn't Carter look hilarious in my sunglasses upside down. No, I didn't make him wear them. He wanted to for a while and insisted on putting them on himself. We got a few funny glances!

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

How fun! I love Sea World. What a great hubby to plan a "surprise" trip for your anniversary.