January 08, 2007

Old friends

Last Friday we ventured down to Huntington Beach to make a farewell visit to our friends, the Barlows who are moving to London this week. I regret that we've lived so relatively close to each other for 2 1/2 years and I've only been to visit twice--the last time was 2 full years ago. Alex was my first mom friend. We actually met while I was a sophomore at BYU when we were both single, then we ended up meeting again in a married student ward two years later when Marc and I were first married. She already had her first girl, Brooklyn, whom I instantly loved. It was her cute little personality that instantly made me baby hungry--and Marc and I had seriously just been married a month. Brooklyn was only about a year old at the time and now she's 5 1/2! How time flies. Now we both have multiple kids in tow and Alex is still as patient and as laid back as ever--I'm still trying to master those skills I have admired in her for so long. Good luck in London, you guys! Your kids are so adorable and fun. We'll try to make it there before you move back.

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