January 04, 2007

My (cute) little stinkers

A rough week in mommy-land for me. Since Anderson, after 2 solid months of sleeping through the night, has started waking up at 3:00 am again, I have been one less than patient mom. Today was the worst of it. Marc had to work at 5:00 this morning (at the YMCA) so I was on duty when Carter woke up at 6:00 which in turn woke his brother up. Grrr. I was tired and grumpy. The morning wasn't too eventful, though my mood did not change. Well, just before 1:00, the time Marc was expected home, I decided to do the dishes. Carter had been sitting at the table eating his lunch. I had watched him wolf down his grapes, push aside his hot dog and ask for a graham cracker. I gave him one, and put the package on the table. I began the dishes and about 10 minutes later, when I was finished with my task I turned around to see this mess. Oh My Gosh! Crumbs covered the table, his lap, and the floor. Rather than make the situation worse with a reaction, I held it in and waited for Marc. When he walked in the door I was laughing with a few tears trickling down my cheeks. I thought of my sister in law who always says you can laugh or you can cry--trying to lighten up a bit, I did both. Marc had him help vacuum as his punishment. Though typically afraid of the 'bacuum,' he actually enjoyed the task.

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