July 01, 2012


Last Tuesday wasn't at all ordinary.   I don't have words to describe what happened in the foothills just a few miles from where I live so let these pictures speak:

view from Chapel Hills Mall courtesy Danielle Mortensen

 a different vantage point courtesy of Colorado Springs Gazette

 evacuees courtesy Paula McInaney Woods

 homes burning (including that of my dear friend's in-laws pictured in the center)
courtesy Kevin Kneble

 cadets evacuating the Air Force Academy
courtesy Eric Lescarbeau

What remains

*In 1996 when my family moved here and I was a 16 year old girl we drove into town in the dark of night.  When I woke up and stepped outside our hotel room that first morning I saw these foothills and was immediately drawn to their beauty.  There was hope in my sad heart that I might love this new place afterall.*

Needless to say, tears have been shed.  Prayers have been said.  And my heart still hurts.  You can read different accounts of this fire here (from a friend in my ward), here (from a girl who I met in the mother's room at church but has since moved a little further south from me) and here (from a girl I went to high school with).  My friends have words that I simply do not. 

Thank you, Robin for the perfect post title.  You came up with it first but there is simply no better!


foreveryoung said...

I've been thinking about you when I heard about the fires but I wasn't sure just how close it was to you. I'm so sorry, so glad you and your family are safe but such a scary and sad thing to hit so close to home.

Natalie N said...

So so so so so so so sad!!! :( :( We too fell in love with those green hills when we visited your place. What horrific pictures.

We're in Utah right now, and we've been out of the loop news-wise b/c of our move, but we've been thinking of you guys and wondering if you've been in the fires. Glad you're safe, yet we're still so sad for all those who haven't been as fortunate. Thinking of you.

Misty said...

Oh my Diana! It makes me cry! I'm glad you are safe, but I am so, so sad fro those that have lost their homes. I can't imagine! Those pictures are incredible and so sad. Thank you for taking the time to post them and reminding me to be grateful.