June 19, 2012

Thankful 2011

Last November, I taped a large piece of brown paper to our wall and declared it our Thankful poster.  We were to write something we were grateful for on it everyday. Obviously we weren't successful everyday but it sure did help (me) to remember to be grateful for everything I have.

I am thankful for toys.
Heavenly Father (a picture)
Squirrel at family pictures (a picture)
Jesus (a picture)
play Wii with Jake
I like frends

delicious dinner
a beautiful daughter
to have a good job
a patient gorgeous wife (ha--neither of which I am!)

I am thankful that we have sports
I am thankful that I am mom's helper
I am thankful for our parnets (parents)

preparing a Relief Society lesson
the Savior
good friends who feel close like family
my 3 smart boys!
Christian WALKING!
Ella's patient temperament
an adoring husband who talks me down from the ledge multiple times every.single.day (must have been a bad one!)
boys who bring in the groceries
babies who behave on a marathon shopping trip

1 comment:

Natalie N said...

I shouldn't be laughing, but I loved the comment about a husband who talks you down from the ledge (and your comment about "must have been a bad one!"). Great memories, Di!

And hey--we'd love to join you for a Zoo Day once we're settled in--end of July maybe? My Annie is OBSESSED with zoos and would flip if I told her we were going.