August 08, 2011

And So It Begins...

Yesterday on our way into church, I accidentally caught Ella's finger on her car seat buckle and scratched it...OUCH! She cried her loud, hurt cry for 10 minutes. Okay, it probably wasn't 10 minutes, it was probably 2 or 3 but it sure seemed like 10 minutes compared to the time it would have taken the boys to calm down after a similar incident. As she was crying inconsolably, she seemed to say, Mom, you hurt my feelings! Whaa! (how do you spell that crying sound?)And so it begins...girl drama. But I wouldn't trade it for the whole world...I love my little lady.


Christian was a dream baby by all accounts. He accompanied the big boys on a trip to Idaho a few weeks ago and was a dream baby there, too. But when he came home, oh my! I kind of want to send him back. All of a sudden he's a monster toddler. He's into everything he shouldn't be and gets cranky often. He's even actually screamed at me and hit me a time or two. I'm hoping it's only teething but since he just cut his 6th tooth we've got a long road of that ahead of us. And so it begins...toddlerhood. (even though at 15 months, he's still not walking) Sigh.


Carter got invited to a birthday party on Saturday. It's the second one in a month and when he got the invitation in the mail, I could tell Anderson was feeling jipped. Anderson considers all of Carter's friends his own so he doesn't understand why he can't tag along to a birthday party. So to make sure he didn't feel too bad I planned a date with him. He wanted to go to a pet store but instead I planned to walk a friend's dog and go get a treat. I thought he'd love one on one time with his favorite animal. He didn't love it as much as I thought but that's beside the point. This friend of mine who let us walk her dog has two teenage boys that are close in age like Christian and Ella. I asked her what her boys were up to and she explained that one was on a boating trip with a friend and the other was moping because he hadn't gotten invited to go. She was pretty much in the same predicament I was in. And so it begins...the struggle of wanting to be a tag along brother. And I thought we'd grow out of that soon!

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