May 23, 2011

Odds and Ends

This little cutie pie learned how to say "uh-oh." It is so darn cute. He also likes green smoothies and continues to woo every one with those big blue eyes and long eyelashes. It will be a serious crime if baby girl doesn't have Anderson and Christian's eyelashes and isn't born with hair like the rest of my babies.

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I was downloading my pictures to the computer the other day...can you believe I haven't done that since October? Yikes! But I came across this gem--seriously, are you laughing like I am?

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Almost every morning I remember to count my blessing for this child of mine:
This morning is no different--I am completely overwhelmed by his completely cooperative nature. He crawled into bed with me at 6:45 and tried really hard not to wake me up...but that's almost time to wake up anyway so we got up a few minutes later. He ate his breakfast and then all I had to do was tell him what the weather was expected to be and he went and got ready for school--I didn't have to remind him to brush his teeth. I didn't have to remind him to grab socks. (Changing his underwear might be a different story but I typically fold the proper number each week so I'm not terribly concerned about that!) Then, like every Monday he brought his laundry up like I asked and sorted it. He is so good at sorting his laundry, better than Marc is if Marc doesn't mind my saying so! I asked him to pack his own lunch this morning because I was so tired and trying to feed Christian so he did that, too without complaining. Then he got to play for a bit and when I called him to get in the car, he quickly got his sweatshirt and shoes on, both were already by the garage door, ready to go. He makes school morning go so smoothly and I couldn't be more grateful. I just love Carter.

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I got my diaper bag in the mail last week. I chose this one, used it for the first time yesterday and love it to pieces so far. . . .

I am scheduled to be induced on Thursday if the little girl doesn't make her debut before then. It's funny how last year I was completely opposed to getting induced (hence Christian was a whole week late!) and having the epidural and this year we're doing this completely different. I suppose it is under different circumstances, though. The only way I can possibly think about labor without having a panic attack right now is thinking of the nurse coming in, checking me and saying "Let's have this baby!" and me smiling and saying "Alright!" because I can't feel anything like I did with Carter's birth. Anderson's and Christians births were a little more intense since epidurals weren't involved and remembering those experiences at this point puts me a little (or a lot) on edge. Ideally, I'd like to go into labor on my own, though. I just really love that feeling and want to experience it one more time. I've been praying for that for weeks now, but I've also resigned myself to checking into the hospital Thursday morning with a bag full of things to do while we wait for the baby to come. Except I don't know what to pack in that bag. Suggestions for those of you who have done that before?

Regardless, I have 3 more days of pregnancy and that thought is wonderful.

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I haven't been able to find anyone since leaving Utah nearly 7 years ago that waxes my eyebrows just how I like them. In fact, I've only had them done once here and it was such a disaster that I've been shaping them on my own for almost 4 years. I've made a few mistakes--you know the ones when that little person on your shoulder has to tell you to step away from the mirror and set the tweezers down. Yesterday wasn't one of those mornings. This morning wasn't either but I'm not completely happy with my left eyebrow and wish I could trust someone to shape it without taking too much off. My right eyebrow is perfect, why can't my left one be perfect, too?

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Anyone know where to get a good No Soliciting sign? It's that time of year again and last summer there were days when I'd get 5, yes 5! solicitors in the late afternoon/evening. They ring the doorbell, wake up the sleeping baby, and then proceed to annoy me. I know I can't deal with it again this summer! Oh, and if you are reading this, and if you stop by my house anytime in the next few years, please knock. I hate when the doorbell disturbs nap time.

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I can already tell Blogger is going to mess up the format of this post---grrrr.


Jennifer said...

Good luck with baby!

I hate having people ring the doorbell so much that I disabled it. If you want me to come to the door, you have to knock.

Dan and Katie said...

How do you teach a baby to suck out of a straw? So excited for you to have your baby!!!

Colleen said...

I love odds and ends posts! I can't wait to hear that baby girl is here and getting all the pink snuggles she deserves!

foreveryoung said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe you'll have a baby by Thursday!! So excited for you (and so jealous :). Good luck and I can't wait to see pictures of your little princess and hear all about it!

foreveryoung said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe you'll have a baby by Thursday!! So excited for you (and so jealous :). Good luck and I can't wait to see pictures of your little princess and hear all about it!