March 22, 2011

"Well, it's happened. It took a little longer than I thought but it's happened."

*can you name that movie quote?*

Let's start at the beginning. When Carter was still just a growing boy in my belly, I discovered something about Marc and some of his family members. When naming their children, they "test" names using the rhyming song to make sure the name is safe. You know that song--you sang it on the playground in 3rd grade with your friends just like I did, right? "Diana, Diana bo-bi-ana. Fee-fi-fo-fiana . . ." This song and other factors made naming Carter a challenge. Tucker was nixed pretty quickly. When the baby made his debut, we had 3 names to choose from. Really I only liked one. Marc liked the other two. So when he didn't turn out to be a "Porter" or a "Maxwell" (Marc's picks) we or should I say he settled on Carter and I rejoiced. That was my pick. One day a few weeks later, we were taking a family stroll when Marc burst into song--the rhyming song. He stopped quick, turned to me and wondered, How on Earth did I let you get away with that!?!? We had a good laugh. It was a little late to change things at that point.

Fast forward to yesterday.

I was in the baby's almost finished bedroom--in paint terms that is. I was sorting through the many many boxes of hand me downs I've received from a friend. Carter came upstairs and in a quiet, hurt voice told me that Anderson was making fun of his name. I had a flash back. I knew what was going on but I asked anyway. He's saying Carter Farter.

Maybe 1st grade is a little young to expect that he would have already figured out his unfortunate name rhyme, on his own or with the "help" of his friends, but when thinking about the day's funniest vignette later last night, this quote immediately came to mind--"Well, it's happened. It took a little longer than I thought, but it's happened." And I sure didn't expect our first taste of it to be from his younger (by 2 1/2 years!) brother.


wackywilsons said...

I really like the name Tucker, but it makes me.....nervous...for what it sounds like!

I am still STUCK on boy names (again). Not sure what this little peanut will be called...

foreveryoung said...

Oh man, sorry but that is funny! I think kids can find something wrong with every name out there and Carter is common enough that I think he'll be A-OK (try having "Jolley" for a last name, it wasn't very fun).

Cameron said...

Oh I love it! I can just imagine it! Hilarious! You guys have great names! I LOVE Maxwell, that was going to be our next boys name, but well, I had the opposite of your problem...too many girls!

Natalie N said...

Too funny!! I love that Marc's family has that song as their litmus test for names. :) And you're right... who would have guessed the little bro would be the first to sing the song?!

R A C H A E L said...

Jungle Book.

Ahh, names are so tricky. Boy names are even worse.

When are you due?

TIFF said...

So are you going to have to change your blog name? I just realized that!! Hope you are feeling good!!