January 30, 2011

Pregnancy Woes

Remember last April, when in my heightened emotional state at 39 weeks pregnant, I feared I might be the first woman to remain pregnant forever? (Go here if you don't!) That seems so ironic to me now--now that I'm pregnant for a portion of a third consecutive year. Yes, you read that right. THIRD CONSECUTIVE YEAR! I was pregnant for the last 4 1/2 months of 2009, the first 4 months and last 4 months of 2010 and will be pregnant for the first 5 months of this year. Let me put this out there once and for all so I can get on with the remaining 4 months of this: I HATE BEING PREGNANT.

I woke up yesterday to a swollen nose. I thought my face wouldn't get swollen until the end of my pregnancy. I've been waking up with swollen fingers and ankles already. I've been dealing with back pain already and am running to the bathroom frequently. And like I said, I still have a whopping 4 months left. These symptoms are only going to get worse. Does anyone wonder how Michelle Duggar does it. 19 kids and counting--hah. That is hopefully not my lot in life.

But, on the brighter side of things, she's beginning to move a little more, which I'm afraid after this might seem normal to me and I might infact not know what to do with myself once I don't feel little bundles of movement inside me this summer. Marc and I still can't get used to saying "her" and "she," and Carter has already started calling her by the name we think she'll have. That goes against everything we've ever done with the last 3 pregnancies but then again, what part of this pregnancy is like the last 3? Pretty much nothing so there you have it. And while yes, I hate being pregnant, I don't want to paint the picture that I am sad to have another baby. I'm not.


Cumorah said...

Oh honey. So sorry. I KNOW you know it's all worth it --- but why do all the good things in life have to come the hard way?! Hang in there cutie!

Julie said...

sorry it's annoying and uncomfortable all too soon. love you and love your blog.

Natalie N said...

First of all, how cute is that picture at the top of your blog with the words "Boy Crazy?"?! Way too cute, I tell ya!

Second--how fun that you know Chelsea and Josh! Last time I saw Chelsea, we were both pregnant with little girls and due about the same time. It's been a while since we've seen them. What a small world!

My favorite line of this post: "...what part of this pregnancy is like the last 3?" You are so funny. I cannot wait to see this precious little girl you are cooking in there! :)

foreveryoung said...

I always feel guilty when my friends say how much they love being pregnant, because I'm with you. The only things I like are feeling them kick and not having to suck in after eating a big meal.

Shaina said...

I'm so glad you finally commented!! Now we can keep up with each other, and become friends, which is ironic that we didn't do that when I lived up there.

Scrolling down through your latest posts, I'm excited for you, and completely understand the feeling of being pregnant all the time. Also, congrats on having a girl!! I'll make you some cute gender specific items when you get close to delivery!!
By the way, PLEASE tell me where you bought those boots!

wackywilsons said...

I like your candid thoughts on pregnancy....and although it's always so worth it, I HATE IT TOO! I guess we can vent to each other since we are enduring together...not to mention I now have a salty taste in my mouth that I can't shake??