December 07, 2010

it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad. . .

idea to watch an episode of Ghost Whisperer right before falling asleep last night. It was also probably a very bad idea to change my chalk board menu board right before going to bed, too. The chalk dust settled into my throat and because I have a cough and cold I've been trying to kick for nearly a week, and because of the nature of the television show I watched, I dreamt all night long that I was drowning. I kept gasping for air and choking and coughing but I couldn't wake up enough to resolve these issues and then settle in for a good nights sleep. So I woke up at 5. By 6:30 I was tired again and settled back in bed to rest and wait for the children to wake up. I found myself watching A Baby Story which also turned out to be a terrible, horrible idea. It hasn't been long enough since Christian's birth to forget and now I have to do it all over again in just a few short months. Exhaustion plus fear took me just moments away from a panic attack. Ugg.


Cumorah said...

Aaah! Sorry! Sounds like a loooong night. Hopefully you can stay home and kick your feet up and some point today!

Hans and Michelle said...

Diana, Wow I feel for you. You can do this! Let me know if you ever need me to watch your beautiful baby so you can rest. And no more Ghost whisperer or baby stories until next year? I'm thinking of you!