August 29, 2010

The Incline. . .

The incline is one intense hike and I've been aching to do it this summer so I don't feel so bogged down by the babe and my baby weight. When Marc promised the boys we'd take a family hike this weekend, my mind started turning--I've heard that a few of my friends with relatively young children and babies have taken their families up it recently so I wondered-- if I got my hands on a backpack, would my dear husband humor me and give the old cog rail a try? He looked at me like I might be nuts, but I told him, if the Conlins, the Egberts, and the Hansen's can do it, why can't we? So yesterday, we woke up, got the boys fed and in the car and drove down to Manitou to attempt the crazy.

It was a busy day on the mountain and we couldn't find parking so I started up with the kids while Marc drove down into town to park the car:

Marc finally caught up with us so he took Christian and Anderson and I kept the slightly faster pace with Carter: (Those are our backsides, the first hikers in the picture. The top of the mountain is really not the top--it's the false summit)

Carter and I waited for the others at the "half way point" that's really more than half way but it's where those who decide it's just a little too tough of a hike can cut over to Barr trail and hike down. I nursed Christian on a rock and then our party split. Marc and the two younger boys hiked down.

Marc said Christian was an angel. Of course he was, he's the perfect baby:

Carter and I went to the top:

He was pleased with himself, even if he cried just moments from the top because he was hot and tired. But the worst was yet to come--Carter and I slipped and slid all 4 miles down Barr Trail. It wasn't without multiple falls on both parts and some tears on Carter's. I wanted to curl up in a corner when we finally reached the bottom--the stress was just too much for me. But we made it and we're not too much worse for the wear. When Grandma asked if we would do it again next month Carter said no way. But maybe next year!
I'm so proud of Carter. He may have cried a little but he didn't whine and this hike was a tough one to say the least.


Allison said...

Wow!! Impressive. And Christian doesn't look like a baby at all. He looks all grown up.

Natalie N said...

You guys look so great!! And that hike looks like so much fun--what an accomplishment. I wish we were neighbors and could come do the hike with you guys. My kids are the wimpiest though; we would have to train them for months for a hike like that. So glad you survived the fall down the mountain. YIKES!! Way to go, guys!

Rebecca said...

We did the incline in August and I am impressed that you did it with a baby on your back! It's hard enough just carrying yourself up! And I'm also impressed that your boys made it that far. You are all awesome!:)