July 18, 2010

This Is What 30 Looks Like:

Make a wish!

Today is my birthday. It's a big one, too. 30. I never thought I would have issues turning 30. Mostly because when I was 19 I hung around boys who liked to call me fetus and thought I was so young even though I was only 2 years younger than they were. I quickly developed an age complex and have had one ever since. So 30 seemed like I might actually be legit, you know? Until this last week. Thirty began sounding so old and I was feeling sorry for myself. But last night my sensible husband reminded me that I shouldn't wallow. (I wasn't wallowing too much, I promise, not like my latest blog posts at least!) Instead I should think of all the great things I've done in the last decade. So last night I fell asleep thinking of all of those things and I woke up this morning feeling great:

2001: I spent 5 months in China. Amazing!
2002: Married my handsome husband. Best decision I've ever made!
2003: Graduated from BYU with a BA in English Teaching and got my first (and only thus far) real job teaching 9th grade English at American Fork Jr. High. Learned a lot of great things!
2004: Gave birth to 1st son. Priceless.
2005: Ran my 1st marathon. Proved to myself that I can push my body hard.
2006: Gave birth to 2nd son. Priceless.
2008: Bought our first house. Ran my 2nd marathon.
2010: Gave birth to 3rd son. Priceless.

And those are just the biggies--so many moments and memories in between that glue the last 10 years--the first 10 of my adult life--together. I loved my 20s and am looking forward to loving my 30s. I'm a lucky girl and can't forget it.


Dan and Katie said...

I am trying not to be mad at you that you didn't tell me it was your birthday in the 15 minutes we were talking at church!!! Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

daveanddebbie said...

Happy Birthday Diana! Hope you had a fabulous day! You look great and have accomplished great things so far, just think of what you can do with the next 10 years!

Robin said...

Happy birthday! During your lesson yesterday Hannah whispered to me that she liked you and thought you were cute. So there.

happy birthday!

Misty said...

Happy Happy Birthday Diana Dear! Welcome to the 30s. You have had a great decade! You have done so much with your life. I really admire you.

Alayna said...

Happy Birthday! You make 30 look fabulous and don't worry, the 30's don't dissapoint....it's my favorite decade so far. Enjoy!

Berly said...