July 01, 2010

Quote of the Day

This morning I spent a few precious minutes snuggled in bed with all three of my boys. Christian had just eaten and Carter, Anderson and I were enjoying his sweet coos and smiles. (The thought of this makes my heart warm and fuzzy as I write about it now because unfortunately the rest of the day hasn't been quite so sweet.) As we lay there, Carter pressed his nose against Christian's and said, We are so lucky to have you, sweet baby. I couldn't agree more, Carter. I couldn't agree more! And while I can't be sure because I couldn't see--I'm certain that Christian gave his big brother a big open mouthed grin.


wackywilsons said...

i love it
i love it
i love it

Such great memories....

Misty said...

That is so precious! I hope it makes the tough moments bearable.

ps...I absolutely love the picture on your header.