June 24, 2010

it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad. . .

idea to lay in bed for 9 months and watch reruns of NCIS and Medium and anything else I could find that looked interesting instead of making my daily trip to the gym. I'm paying for it now and it's tough. Last week I got my new running shoes in the mail and got the official ok from the doctor to begin my old exercise routines. The problem is, my old exercise routine was running. Running a lot. I knew I'd have to get back into it slowly or my body would pay. I decided on a run walk program--Run 3 minutes, walk 2, for a total of 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Seems easy right? WRONG! The first time I went my pelvis hurt. The second and third times I went it was my back. Now it's my knees. I'm discouraged--I used to be a good runner--I wasn't fast but I had endurance on my side. Now, not so much. How much slower can I go? On the bright side, at least Marc's a physical therapist and can help me through the physical pain. Now, if I could just stop letting my physical incapability get to me mentally. . .

1 comment:

wackywilsons said...

At least you are being honest with yourself and not beating yourself up. YOU WILL get back to your regular body before you know it. You ARE an amazing athlete! I know how hard it is to feel so soft and flubby, but no worries...hot mama is around the corner!