June 20, 2010

i'm so glad when daddy comes home, glad as I can be. . .

Since Marc just got home yesterday from a week away from us, and it is true, we are SO glad when Daddy comes home, today felt like the perfect day to celebrate just how important he is to me and to our boys. As I was making dinner preparations with Anderson this morning, I was singing him an old Primary song and the words got me all choked up because there aren't many true-er words in our household:

My daddy is my favorite pal and I help him everyday.
It's plain to see I want to be like him in every way.
He teaches me that honesty is best in all I do.
I'm very glad that he's my dad, and I know he loves me too.

Back in December when I found out our third child was a boy, after the initial 48 hours of devastation, I realized that though Marc would be a great father to any child that was sent to us, we have boys because Marc is the kind of dad who will raise good, if not great, boys. He will teach them ALL of the things they need to know to be good men because his dad (and mom) did the same for him and I am just so grateful. As cliche as it sounds, I simply could not ask for a better person to spend eternity with.

So, here's how we celebrated:
Star Wars pancakes for breakfast,

catching up on games 6 and 7 of the NBA finals,
Marc was unfortunately camping and out of touch for the last two games and their big WIN!
and mock Cafe Rio chicken burritos for dinner.
Marc, we sure hope you feel special today because we love you so much!

1 comment:

wackywilsons said...

Where did you get those awesome pancake molds??? I need some!