May 05, 2010


Christian joined our family on May 3 at 8:19 am.
He weighs 7 lbs. 11 oz.
He is 20 1/2 inches long.

May 2
9:00 pm: arrive at the hospital to be induced

May 3
12:00ish am: dilated to a 3; Dr. decides to fore go induction drugs and "strip the heck out of my membranes." (his words--not mine!)
5:00ish am: dilated to a 4 1/2; Dr. breaks water
6:30ish am: dilated to a 5 1/2
7:50 am: dilated to an 8
8:19 am: after pushing for 3 minutes, Christian made his debut

My labor was overseen by the doctor on call but my doctor was able to deliver. Delivering Christian was literally the first thing my doctor did after his return from surgery.

bath time

Anderson is a smitten older brother

Christian is wearing the hat I knitted for him--it's WAY too big!

ready to come home

all of my boys

Marc has already taken the look of a dad with a newborn--look at those tired eyes.

Carter is also a proud big brother!


Anne said...

Congratulations! He is a cutie.

Danette said...

Is that light hair I see? He is adorable. I love the bath picture and Marc looks EXHAUSTED! I'm glad to finally see pictures. He's cute and I love the name. I wish I could hold him!

Price Family Adventures!!! said...

Congratulations!!! I can't believe how grown up your boys are. He is adorable.

jkhuber said...

Yay! I'm so happy he has arrived! I've been waiting for your announcement. He is such a cute little guy and I love the name you chose. I hope you guys are well.

Misty said...

Congrats! He is adorable. So glad everything went well and that he is finally here safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! Christian is SO cute...didn't expect anything else :) Can't wait to see him!

Vernetta said...

YAY! He's here! What a cutie!! and a blonde, imagine that. Congrats to you and your handsome brood of boys. You're going to have to fight off those girls when they get older.

I hope you're doing well. Try to enjoy the quiet moments with him, even with all the exhaustion.

Julie said...

And that last post was from me, Julie, not Mike's aunt Vernetta :)

Danette said...

i can't stop looking at him!

Dan and Katie said...

YAY!!! So cute!! We need to get together now with our babies!!!

Cumorah said...

Yay! Let the fun and sleepless nights begin!Congratulations!!! Love you!

Tamzen Fleming said...

So happy for you guys! He's such a cute little guy. Can't wait to meet him. Let me know if you need anything. Have fun!

Allison said...

He is soooo cute! Wish I could be there to hold him. I love the light hair. Miss you guys lots.

Natalie N said...

BEAUTIFUL, Diana!!! CONGRATS, CONGRATS!! I don't think I've ever seen a newborn with such light hair! Is that the camera, or do you have a little blondie on your hands? Either way, he is just beautiful. I'm in love, and I haven't even met him yet. Darling name, darling face. Great pictures!! What were his stats? (weight etc.)
CONGRATS AGAIN!!! We are so happy for you guys! :) :) :)

ixoj said...


R A C H A E L said...

Could he be any more perfect?

Congrats, I wish I were there to bring ya dinner and hold the little dude!

Robin said...

Oh! Darling! My arms are aching to hold him. I am so happy for you!

nicole said...

Congrats! He looks so cute. And it looks like you were right about your due date - not your doctor :)

Natalie N said...

Thanks for posting those stats. That's the exact same as my Cole-baby was. Perfect size!! :) Congrats again!!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! I love the name. He looks perfect.

Britney said...

I've been waiting to see pics of your little guy, i am so glad he is finally here! He is perfect. You guys have a beautiful family. Congrats!
Three is a huge adjustment, I am interested to see how you's not going so well with me. Eek! In due time.

Rebecca said...

Congrats!! What a sweet little guy. I love the picture of all four of your guys:) I'm really happy for you!

Colorado Smarts said...

Congratulations!!! I love the name! I love the picture of all of your boys - such a treasure!

Rohm Family said...

Oh he is a beautiful babe- delivary seemed painless this time- hooray! I still think about you delivering Anderson. Good luck with three! I am so happy for you!

wackywilsons said...

I have been looking for the big news! I am so glad he made it here! Three boys is FANTASTIC. You will love soon as you catch your breath and figure ways to keep Anderson from smothering him:)

Go figure, he came on his original due date...

Kim said...

He looks like a blondie-Is he? If you need anything just call. I called one day while you were sleeping. Hopefully Mark and your mom have passed along my good wishes to you.

foreveryoung said...

Oh my gosh, he is adorable-faux hawk and all, love it!! Congrats, glad you weren't the first woman to be pregnant your entire life.