February 28, 2010

Odds and Ends

I have officially entered the miserable last weeks of pregnancy. Which is the reason I'm blogging at 1:30 am. I can't sleep. I can't breath. I waddle. My clothes don't fit. And I'm just praying I can make it through the 8 or 9 weeks I have left. I had an ultrasound and doctor's appointment this week to follow up on baby's enlarged kidneys and good news, they are no longer enlarged. In more good news, he's still a he. I had a dream a few days before the ultrasound that the baby was a girl and while a few months ago that's what I had hoped for, I think I would have been a little overwhelmed if they would have said, oops on Thursday! And more good news, his head is down, unless he flipped this evening which wouldn't surprise me considering his acrobatic performance.


Anderson had some surgery done 12 days ago. Tonsils and adenoids removed and a urological procedure done. He's recovering quite well except when you consider his mood swings seem more typical of a 12 year old girl. I know his throat is still sore multiple times a day so I try to be as patient as possible but the worrier in me worries that his personality is irreversibly altered. Please, dear Anderson, come back!


Marc has a big test coming up. He's known about it for quite a while but time has eluded him and he's cramming. As a reminder to himself to study he's been growing a beard for over a week. I'm not a big fan--it just makes him look more tired than he already is. Apparently, he wasn't too fond of it either, the itch factor to be specific, so today he shaved. Yea!


nicole said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. and I still have 11 weeks left. shoot me. I currently have 3 shirts that fit.

Natalie N said...

Poor little Anderson! I know I shouldn't laugh, but your description of a little boy having the mood swings of a 12 year old girl had me laughing over here. I hope he comes back to his old self soon.

Good luck as you count down these last weeks!!

R A C H A E L said...

Almost done! Yay!

Hope your little Anderson is feeling better soon!

(I thought you would laugh a little bit at my last post ;) I will call you and cry when I get overwhelmed...)

wackywilsons said...

The only thing missing is your cute belly to show!

Hang in there mama...he is still getting stronger for you and he will be worth the wait!

Michelle said...

HEY!!!!!! I was so excited to hear from you on my blog! I haven't been on it recently so sorry for the delay ;) Andrew's mom, Kathy, has been visiting us in Georgia so life has been pretty busy. How wonderful that you are having another boy! I am pregnant with our 3rd boy and it is just now starting to sink in. We are in for it, girlfriend. Better start stocking up on cleats, baseball bats, basketballs etc... We will have to exchange "boy" stories as life goes on. Thanks so much for finding me and have a FUN weekend. Please tell your family that we miss and love them!!!!!!!!!

Colorado Smarts said...

Good luck as you begin the countdown. Hang in there!

I haven't been in the blogging world for a while, so it was fun to catch up on everything!