February 22, 2010

I want, I want, I want!

My nesting phase usually entails wanting to re-decorate. Or this time around, just simply decorate. This is our first house. Previously, we'd been in apartments smaller than half the size of our house now, so decorating is a room by room, piece by piece, LONG process. Since the nursery is mostly cleared out now, (yea! that was certainly a task since 2 weeks ago there wasn't even a walk way in there!) I can look at other areas of my house so I spent some time flipping through my latest Pottery Barn magazine this afternoon. Sometimes I find lots of great stuff. Sometimes I don't. Unfortunately for me, today was one of those days when I found too many things that I really really want:
I'm pretty sure this rug would be perfect for my living room. If I beg, I might, MIGHT be able to swing this one. Though it is the most expensive of the lot, finding a good rug is next to impossible.
Love these keys. I've been eyeing them for months. I'd hang them right above this:
I only want one of these squares. I'd hang it vertically on the small wall in my garage entry way to catch reminders and stuff. I'm sure it would become very useful as my boys grow up and our lives get more complicated.
I love this sign. I'd put it on the wall above my bay window in my kitchen/dining area.
My un-crafty self might even be able to duplicate this--at least I'm going to try!
Aren't these bookends fantastic?


Do you have running list of wants like I do?


Allison said...


Sara said...

Haven't looked at your blog in soooo long, so I'm catching up on your life. WHERE did you see those bookends?!?! And I know what you mean about rugs. High quality ones are thousands, and even poor quality ones are expensive. I've had good luck with the 2 pottery barn ones I've had in very high traffic areas. Good luck!

Cumorah said...

I like your list...I usually make my lists while I'm - get ready for the HUGE confession - sitting in church. I know. I know. It's a terrible habit. But I perfected the, "I'm so interested in what you have to say that I'm taking notes" stance so well during college - that I just can't give it up. Of course I wouldn't do that during YOUR lessons... My list is long, and dreamy, and includes things like a sectional for the basement that isn't covered in pen, marker, and chocolate, and a huge mirror for my dining room, and spoons. Yes. Spoons. My sister took most of our spoons to work for lunch when she lived here, and the majority of them never found their way home.

wackywilsons said...

Well, at least you have GREAT taste with this decorating itch! I always try to sell things on craigslist or ebay whenever I am trying to stretch the budget. For sure show us what you decide!

Jen and Kent said...

Seriously adorable...all of it!

Rohm Family said...

cute stuff- did you get theat fun chandalier for christmas?