November 23, 2009

My Two Boys

I know most of my friends and even many people I've just met are hoping that I have a girl this time around. And it's probably largely because up until I announced my pregnancy I wasn't exactly secretive about wanting a girl, desperately. I've spent a lot of time contemplating this the last few months and now I can honestly say, I really don't care if we have a boy or a girl. How could I possibly care when I could have one of these:

Carter 1 year

Carter 14 months

Or one of these:

Anderson 15 months

Anderson 15 months

I couldn't possibly choose a girl over one of my boys so if Heavenly Father blesses us with another little guy, I'll be so grateful and smother him to pieces just like I have the other two He sent to us.

And if anyone doubts the power of pregnancy hormones, just looking at these pictures is getting me all teary eyed.


Allison said...

I totally remember with Anderson had that cut on his head, Poor guy. I have to say they are pretty cute!

Dan and Katie said...

me neither! just a healthy happy baby! and our babies can be friends!

Saquel25 said...

Sweet boys! I love mine to distraction and can't wait to have one more. Seeing him on 3D ultrasound just made me more excited too.

nicole said...

Your little boys are so cute! Ya gotta love those pregnancy hormones - I tear up about 10 times a day.

Colorado Smarts said...

Can't wait to hear what you are having. Boy or girl you know your baby is going to be adorable!

wackywilsons said...

You had been MIA for so long with your blog that I hadn't checked in on you. good thing I did! Congrats on the baby!!!

Boys are wonderful, as you know. I felt the same way as you. Happy with a girl, but not dissapointed with a boy....they are just as loveable.

Let us know how it goes!

Dan and Katie said...

Have you found out yet? Should be about time right? :) I have my appointment for the 22nd!!

Jibran Ahmed Khan said...
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