September 09, 2009

My Casanova and Other Things

This morning when I dropped Carter off at kindergarten, his little friend's mom approached me and told me that Carter had kissed her daughter at school on Friday. On the knee, on the elbow and on the lips. In school but while Mrs. Molina wasn't looking. And her daughter was pretty tickled because she has a little crush on him. Then, when I picked Carter and this same little friend up from kindergarten later, Mrs. Molina pulled me aside and told me that another teacher in the school told her about the kissing that happened on Friday so she had a little chat about appropriate friend behavior at school during snack time, and that these two are sweet little friends that are attached at the hip. Mrs. Molina didn't seem the least bit unhappy about it. Neither did the mom. In fact, they both find quite a bit of humor in this. And really, I want to feel the same. But I don't. I can't help but feel slightly alarmed. (I really thought Carter was oblivious to liking girls.)

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A few weeks ago, Carter came home having gotten a yellow light at school. You might be familiar with the green, yellow, red light discipline system a lot of elementary school systems use. You stay at green unless you misbehave and then you slip into yellow and red lights depending on the severity of the behavior. Anyway, back to my story--before he became attached at the hip with the little girl, he was playing at recess with the boys and they were play punching each other. Mrs. Molina said it was definitely boy pretend play, but that it was a little too aggressive for school so he and the other boys got yellow lights. When I asked Carter about it, he said they were pretending to make a video about punching. Apparently, I have a lover and a fighter on my hands.

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I'm planning a little birthday celebration for Anderson. He turns 3 next Monday. But the last two days I have wondered if turning 3 is really worth celebrating. For example, over the weekend he learned some new and especially upsetting sass. If he's upset with Marc or me, he'll frown, emphatically cross his arms, and with a pout on his face and in his voice say, I don't like you anymore. I hate you! Ugg. Yesterday was especially fun when after he spouted those words, he told me, I not snuggle you anymore. But he forgot what he said by the end of the day because while trying to avoid going to sleep, he came out of his room after being tucked into bed and called down the stairs, I need someone snuggle me. *Sigh* Bring on the 3s.

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You know those weeks when you put a few too many things on your plate? I'm having one of those weeks. Except that I only really put two of the things on my plate by choice. The others, well, they are responsibilities that I did say yes to about a year ago but they aren't exactly voluntary right now. So here's what I have going on right now:

  • We're celebrating Anderson's birthday on Saturday. I've been shopping for and gathering supplies the last two days. Because of Marc's football schedule, we couldn't do it next weekend but this weekend is a really bad weekend for it. Why? Read my next two bullets.
  • The Primary is having a pizza party and practicing for our Sacrament Meeting program on Friday night. I just happen to be the Primary President and I don't typically advertise that sort of thing here because I certainly don't aspire to that sort of thing but there you have it, the source of a little bit more of my stress this week.
  • The Primary Program is on Sunday.
  • I have Sharing Time responsibilities on Sunday.
  • I have to settle a situation regarding my Primary responsibilities.
  • I'm volunteering in Carter's class tomorrow and I'm kind of afraid that with everything else going on, I'll forget that by the time tomorrow morning rolls around.

I know, for those of you with larger families than I, this might not seem like that much, but I don't have much help right now either. This is Marc's schedule this week:

  • Tuesday: work 7-7. Give a Scout Master conference at night.
  • Wednesday: work 7-7. Go miniature golfing with the deacons.
  • Thursday: work 7-7. Attend an Eagle Court of Honor
  • Friday: work 7-7. Then stay at work and discharge all old patients until about midnight.
  • Saturday: try to help with Carter's soccer game, Anderson's party, and still attend the high school football game he's supposed to go to. (He works on the sidelines taping, stretching, etc.)

Yes, I'm whining. I'm sorry. I don't usually whine. I'm just a teeny bit overwhelmed right now. And instead of buckling down and getting things done like fold the rest of the laundry or vacuum the house which I've been meaning to do for 2 days now, I'm blogging. I get that way. So overwhelmed it's paralyzing. Anyway, all this to say that if you see me on Sunday and I'm a zombie, you'll know why.


Dan said...

One day at a time! Does sound busy though. Sorry I can't be there to help :)

Jennifer said...

Crazy schedule! Your sacrament presentation is early. Ours are never until October or November. You'll make it!!

Danette said...

um, aaron does the fold arms sass thing, he just can't talk... count your blessings he waited so long to start! :)

Brenda said...

I guess he shows love in the same way that he sees modeled in his home. Does your husband kiss you on the elbow? One time in Primary Jesse Shepherd pinched the bum of a little girl in his class. When I shared this incident with his parents Phyllis punched Al in the arm and said, "Al, you know where he gets such ideas!"

Robin said...

Hang in there! You are a great mom and doing such a terrific job as Primary President. You really are amazing!

wackywilsons said...

NO wonder you have been MIA! Busy woman!!! I really enjoy your writing about your big and grown up and busy! Watch out for those kissing games!!!

Colorado Smarts said...

Hope your week went well.

Natalie N said...

Wow--what a crazy schedule! We feel so lucky that we got to see you guys while we were in town. Thanks for letting us drop by and see your darling place and meet your darling boys!

Keep plugging along, and don't hesitate to vent here on the blog. We're here for ya!

p.s.--LOVE the kissing stories! What a hoot!

nicole said...

Good night, you are busy. I can't believe you're primary pres! I'm a measley Activities chairsperson. Miss you.