April 13, 2009

Quote of the Day

Here's an Easter funny for you:

Before my parents left our house last night, they pulled out our new Gospel Art Book and began teaching Carter about the reason we celebrate Easter. When my mom flipped to the picture of Jesus washing the disciples' feet, she explained that the people back then wore sandals and walked on very dusty roads. She asked Carter if his feet got dirty and needed washing after wearing his sandals to play at the park. I think it was at this point that Carter actually noticed what Jesus was doing in the picture because he said, Hey, Mom and Dad do that. They use wipes.

Yes. Yes I do.


Misty said...

That is really funny....awesome.

Anonymous said...

that's AWESOME! It started my day out with a good laugh! God baby wipes :)

foreveryoung said...

Ha! Just keepin' it real, love it.

Jennifer said...

Smart Kid. Wipes are good for EVERYTHING!!