February 23, 2009

With this ring, I thee wed

Marc has had two wedding rings. The first one lasted four years. When I was eight months pregnant with Anderson we went to the beach one day and it got lost in the sand. He'd tell you that it slipped through my fingers as I was handing it to him when we were packing up to leave so it was my fault. I'm telling you that as a person who grew up around the beach, he knew better than to even wear it out on to the sand so it was his fault. Needless to say, having the emotions of an 8 month pregnant lady, it was not a good day. The second ring lasted two years. Anderson got a hold of this one, and it's somewhere in our house. Marc would tell you it's my fault because I saw him with it and I should have taken it away. I'm telling you that since just days previous he'd told me I needed to be more careful with my ring, I thought when I saw Anderson with his that he should follow his own advice and then forgot all about it until we couldn't find it a few days later. I was peeved, but not nearly as upset as the first time.

I'm not the gal who feels insecure because her man doesn't have a ring. Marc takes it off at work so often anyway, that really, it doesn't matter. But, this morning, when I saw that Marc had been browsing Overstock to find a ring, I remembered, Marc has nice hands. And his left one looks even nicer with a ring on the third finger.

ring #1

ring #2

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