February 03, 2009

Eleven years ago I had a mad crush on a stocky, brown haired, brown eyed football player named Nick. We were seniors in high school, a time where who you were made a difference in who you dated so I didn't stand a chance but I was lucky enough to have a twin who managed the football team so Nick and I were friends. I still remember his warm smile and his big hugs. Both were so comforting.

Two and a half years ago, Marc and I permanently resided in Northridge, California but came here to Colorado Springs for six weeks for a clinical. I was six months pregnant with Anderson--looking fairly round. Since I finished high school here, I was thinking I might run into someone from high school in those six weeks and it turns out, of all people, I ran into Nick on Saturday afternoon at the mall. We both did double takes, he was wearing glasses so I didn't immediately recognize him; I was six months pregnant so his double take was definitely understandable! We had a short visit and it seemed like things were good for him.

Tonight, I read that he died, at a hospital here in Colorado Spring, in December, from a very rare form of cancer in the spine and neck. I am shocked and deeply sad. I wish I would have known--I would have visited. I would have attended his funeral. I hate would have, should have, could haves. They make lots of things so much worse. It's definitely a time to "seek out a forgotten friend," as I said in my last post about death.


Anonymous said...

i'm truly sorry to hear about your friend - i'm sure he was better in life having known you...as all of us are.

Unknown said...

oh my gosh!!! That is so sad! It kinda hits home ya know. I wonder if he was married or had kids?

wackywilsons said...

I am so sorry for your loss...it's so hard to think of "what could've been" situations....or how we should've done things differently. Thank goodness for an eternal perspective, that no matter what, there is always closure. Doesn't make it easier...

I enjoyed your post about Yoga as well. I took a class this morning and i found myself having a hard time 'relaxing' as well, although it was super hard for me b/c I am so not flexible. I will give it another shot, so I don't feel as wobbly next time I do a warrior pose!

Colorado Smarts said...

You have had a rough go about these last few weeks. I'll be praying for you and for your friends family.

R A C H A E L said...

I'm so sorry. It is never easy knowing someone your age that has passed. It really makes to take a look at yourself and re-align your priorities. Call me if you wanna vent. We'll go get dessert, my treat.

Berly said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. It is hard to think about what would have or what I should have done - we all do it.