February 11, 2009

Cupid's Calling

I've spent hours (literally!) this week crafting Carter's valentines for his class party on Friday. I'm not sure why I wasn't satisfied with digging out his leftovers from last year. (he only has 10 or so classmates right now--one box would last 2 or 3 years at that rate!) Perhaps it was because I saw these darling cards in Family Fun--I just had to make them! Mine turned out a little different and a lot more colorful. I hope his classmates like them.


Price Family Adventures!!! said...

Your Valentine Cards are so cool. You did a great job!! I think the kids will love them. Happy Valentine day!!!

Saquel25 said...

I have never been able to understand why Valentine's Day is celebrated at school in America. At least they decree that every kid has to get a Valentine from everyone else. It took Spencer almost an hour to write the names of 14 students plus his own name 14 times over tonight. Your Valentines are way more exciting than my 50 cent box of Shrek ones I got for Spencer when they went on sale after Valentines last year!