January 14, 2009

Random Thoughts by Diana Phillips

1. Yesterday was a ruined day--the surgery Marc was supposed to observe at 3:00 pm was delayed about 3 hours. He stuck around only to walk in the O R (yes, I watch Grey's) and realize they started the surgery without him. The surgeon pretty much ignored Marc, even though he's buddy buddy with his boss. So, what was supposed to be a day when Marc got home 2 hours early turned into a later than usual day. To top it off, because of the delay the boys went to bed without seeing their dad. My heart aches for them when that happens.

2. Thank you McDonalds for keeping my boys fed, exercised and happy for two hours to make up for those crappy crappy crappy circumstances yesterday.

3. I've been dreaming about babies for over a week now. Is someone sending me a message because I'm still not really ready to go there.

4. I love green salad in its many forms.

5. Thank you bishopric for listening to and solving our Primary budget struggle. I'm still giddy.

6. I'm getting tired of looking at my nicely-painted but dull-nonetheless walls. Will someone come over and tell me where to put all of my pictures/wall decor and which ones I need to go buy?

7. Is there something wrong with me that for the last two days all I've wanted to do is sit on the couch and snuggle my boys and sleep?

8. I think I need new running socks--3 out of my four pair have holes in them.


Allison said...

Gotta hate days like that! One day i will fully understand that. Good to talk to you last night and can't wait to come see you this weekend.

ixoj said...

Re: #7 Perhaps you have Seasonal Affective Disorder? During the majoirty of winter months, I want nothing more than to hide under a blanket on the couch and read...or maybe you just feel like snuggling. :) Sorry you had a rotten day.

Robin said...

You need to make me love salad. Right now I love starch.

I like to decorate. Invite me over.

Ike thinks Mark is so cool.

I am sending you the baby dreams. Because babies are SO cute! (Have you seen Susan V's baby June yet? Perfect). (Wait, if you are having baby dreams maybe you shouldn't see Susan's baby - she is so cute she could make those dreams a reality.)

Danette said...

I have the perfect cure for baby dreams-- Aaron. He's what babies eventually become and being his mother is not so fun today. I'll overnight him to you.

Natalie N said...

In response to your baby dreams, I was about to cheer, "GO FOR IT!" but after reading what Danette wrote, I am laughing out loud over here. It is a lot of work with 3, but how can you resist those CUTE adorable faces... especially when you & Mark make such darling little guys? Do keep us posted when the time comes. :)
Thinking of you!

Natalie N said...

excuse me! I just re-read my comment. I totally know that Marc's name is spelled with a "C"! Doh! Sorry for the typo.