December 19, 2008

Quote of the Day

Here I am sitting at the computer checking blogs. Carter's in the bathroom a few feet away. All of a sudden I remember my dip that is in the oven--it's way past the time--like double the actual baking time--I was supposed to take it out so I whisper/yell (funny how you can whisper and yell at the same time!) Crap! as I run to the oven. Carter asks from the bathroom--What's the matter, did you pee your pants?

Luckily, the dip isn't actually burned. I'm hoping the taste isn't effected. I guess I'll find out tonight at the party we're going to.

**English teacher in me: I've edited this post like 3 times and can't figure out if my verb tenses are correct. I know I switch at least once in here. I'm sorry if it bugs you. It's certainly bugging me but I'll stop being a perfectionist now.

**click on the word dip in the third sentence and it will take you to the recipe--I posted it back in July.


Robin said...

Now - you have to post the recipe. Please? I need a few new recipes.

Dan and Katie said...

That is hilarious!!! Kids say the darndest things!

Colorado Smarts said...

I love reading your blog! Thanks for all of the laughs and your inside thoughts! I need to do more of this type of thing.