December 15, 2008

Ben & Jerry's--Make Your Own!

Yesterday I received a treat that is very dear to my heart because of the givers--chocolate covered pretzels. This afternoon, when looking for a mood satisfying treat, I looked in the freezer, saw the vanilla ice cream, looked on the counter, saw the chocolate covered pretzels and a light bulb went off. Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby (my high school BFF's fav). I scooped a small dish of ice cream, crushed a few pretzels on top and swirled in a small spoonful of peanut butter. Yum!


Rachel said...

Sounds delicious! Too bad we scarfed down our chocolate covered pretzels, before we had time to think about doing something creative.

Berly said...

YUM-that sounds so good!!

elizabeth said...

hey that was so my favorite ice cream in high school!