November 04, 2008

ahh, the good old days

Since the marathon, I've been able to fit in quite a few conditioning classes. At my second one, the instructor said something that stuck with me--"if you want that piece of pie (referring to the upcoming holiday of feasting) just do 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks." hmmm. interesting.

I've been having a rough time lately. Hubby's long work hours, church calling stretching me in ways most consider small, but for me, they are large stretches, no tv to "tend" the boys for those short periods of time, hubby's long work hours, boys fighting a lot, hubby's long work hours, motherhood worries. When I have a rough time, I snack, I eat, I binge. Having Halloween last week didn't help. Yesterday was a particularly rough day. So rough that I was in bed asleep by 8:30. I should have done jumping jacks. I did not. I'm embarrassed to say what and how much I've eaten lately, but suffice it to say I'm in the middle of doing 400 jumping jacks. I'm at 325 to be exact. Doing this many jumping jacks reminds me of August of 1994. Band camp. Travis Ogden. (aka fundamental drill sergeant) Jumping Jacks. Legs Burning. It's a good burning though. Oh, to be 14 again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we love you! it is official that i need to call you, set up a play date and have ya'll over to play! duh...why don't I think of this more often?!?!? We love to hang out with you.