October 13, 2008

There's nothing like having your TV break to help kick the TV addiction! Well, almost anyway. Luckily, The Office and Grey's Anatomy do episodes on line so Marc and I don't have to go completely without. Carter on the other hand hasn't watched a single cartoon in 5 days and he only watches one movie/day on our portable DVD player. Since last Wednesday, I've organized/cleaned out Marc's and my clothes, organized the garage, we've adjusted all of the blinds in our windows, and gone to bed every night with a clean kitchen. Whew. We might actually start knocking things off our house project list with the marathon over and no TV. Not having a TV has also allowed us to do two things we've been meaning to do for a while now: cancel our cable to save money (following the counsel of the prophets) and move our computer to a central location--it's going into our little TV nook next to our fire place (also following the counsel of the prophets). I consider our TV breaking a blessing in disguise actually!

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