August 20, 2008

Quote of the Day

Recently, Carter has been responding to my discipline statements (i.e. If you do this again, then this will happen) by telling me that he will run away from me so fast I won't be able to catch him. Sassy, I know. Just last week, while visiting with a friend, I told her how astonished I am that my four year old is already becoming that defiant. I've seen defiant little ones, but Carter has never been that way before. My friend then told me how her son (who is 4 years older than Carter) tells her he hates her, that she's a mean mom etc. etc. I knew the day would come when that would happen. I just didn't realize it would be just a few days after that conversation. On Monday, following a scolding, Carter told me he had a secret to whisper in my ear. I leaned down. This was his secret: I'm going to tell all my friends that you are mean to me. Since Monday, he has told me I'm a mean mom at least 10 times. I feel great.


Jennifer Hepworth said...

I think it's a right of passage as a parent. It's just one of those things that is bound to happen one day, it's just a matter of when. I know the day will come when Sydney will say she hates me or I'm mean. I think that it just means that you are doing your job. Don't worry about it too much. I know I used to say it to my mom (a fact that I feel terrible about now that I am older and have kids of my own).

Summer said...

Oh--sad, I hope I don't get that secret in the ear too soon, but I think Saylor's 3s are going to be worse than her 2s.

foreveryoung said...

I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but the fact that he used it as a secret is pretty funny! Anyone with kids can totally relate, so don't feel bad, it's not just you!

Natalie N said...

Ha ha! That is the best quote!

Jennifer said...

A friend of mine once told me that if your kids tell you that you are mean then you are doing something right. I hope it's true because my little ones tell me that all the time!

jenn and flay said...

I somehow can't believe he said that. He's way too cute for that. Ouch, but I guess it means you are doing your job.