July 14, 2008

Today I Could Very Well Lose My Mind

Have you seen Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TLC? I catch an episode (usually a rerun) here and there. Part of the intro to the show really resonates with me--it's the part when Kate says ". . .the stress of having two sets of multiples doesn't always bring out the best in us. . ." Okay, I don't have any multiples, but I do have two young boys, a hard working husband, and a list of things to do that doesn't ever get shorter no matter how productive I try to be. And it's true--stress DOES NOT bring out the best in me. And right now--I'M STRESSED! (Maybe I shouldn't be blogging then, maybe I should go mop my floor like a good housewife!)

This morning, Carter asked to go to the library instead of to playgroup. I quickly obliged--I had an overdue book that I was going to return tonight but if we went this morning I'd get to do another errand that I wasn't sure I'd be able to fit in today if we went to playgroup. We headed out the door. When we got to the library, Carter shoved his door open wider than necessary and left a good chip in the door handle of the car next to us. More stress. Since it was a real good nick, I left a note on the car hoping the owner wouldn't find it that big of a deal--the thought of paying for a repair added more stress. The owner got to the car before I could get Anderson out of his seat so I talked to her and she was kind and didn't care. I was still frustrated with my four year old though so he was only allowed to check out three books instead of five. (Am I mean?) We headed on to LDS Chapter and Verse bookstore to get some supplies to make the birthday handout our ward's Primary is using his year. I took in two of the library books for the boys to read while I looked for the supplies. Carter read for maybe 3 minutes and then he decided to pull a basket off the shelf that had videos in it. In the softest, stern voice I could muster I let him know he was in trouble and that he lost the privilege of getting some cinnamon bears he'd eyed on the way in. Which brings me to the burning question--how do you discipline your child in an LDS bookstore when he definitely deserves some? In any other establishment, I feel fine being stern but with church music playing in the background and a sweet LDS grandma standing at the counter I felt embarrassed that my discipline might be too harsh and yet, discipline is important, right? When I got to the counter to pay, Carter grabbed the cinnamon bears and sassed at me--You're the one that's not treating me well. When I don't get candy, I am sad. When I get candy, I am happy. You should have heard his tone! Our punishment for sassing is cayenne pepper on the tongue (punishment should fit the crime, right? and soap, it's not meant to be ingested, so cayenne pepper it is!) so I warned him. A few minutes later, as we finished our transaction, the lady at the counter smiled at me and said, You're doing just fine. I had five boys and know exactly what it's like. So now I'd like to tell her, Thank you for not judging me because I am definitely not a perfectly patient and soft spoken mother. It's just not my strong point.


foreveryoung said...

We all definately have those days and anyone who dares judge just must not have kids of their own! I'm glad that car lady was so nice, I was nervous for you.

jkhuber said...

You are doing just fine! I've seen and heard much worse scolding in a store than that. Oh, and we put tabasco sauce on our kids tongues when they talk back to us. We lovingly refer to it as "sassy sauce". Hey, it's not poison and it definitely makes them think twice about sassing the next time!

Summer said...

Sorry for your drama, I only have one kid and she feels like 8 sometimes. Hope you are doing well!

Misty said...

Diana, you give me hope. I can't imagine you as anything but the most WONDERFUL mother, so if you sometimes lose your patience, it just gives me hope.

Natalie N said...

Oooo cayenne (sp?) pepper! What a great idea. Keep up the great work Diana. I feel your pain; I have many days like these too where I feel like I may as well lose my mind! Just remember how sweet they are when they're sleeping! :) ha ha
miss you!