July 02, 2008

I'm One of Those People!

I'm one of those people who always has an opinion about something, says she'll never do this or that, and then ends up eating her words. I do it all the time. For example, after hearing about how my dad failed a class or two when he and my mom got married in the middle of a semester, I thought that was ridiculous. Why not wait an extra month, get the semester over with and then get married? Seriously, who can't wait an extra month to get married? Apparently, (no offense intended to those in this party!) men in general can't wait an extra month because approximately 22 years later Marc couldn't wait a few more months and it was I who ended up getting married in the middle of a semester at BYU. Luckily neither of us failed any of our classes. A few years later, after listening to my SIL talk about all the activities she was doing during July with her two youngsters, all the while being 8 1/2 months preggo, I swore up and down that I'd plan every one of my pregnancies around those hot summer months. Then, in December 2005, I got pregnant with Anderson--due in September. At the time, we lived in the San Fernando Valley in LA where temperatures didn't get below 100 the entire month of July. Then there was today. I always think it's crazy when I see moms and dads bring something to read to the park--don't people know that's exactly what predators look for--kids whose parents aren't going to notice them gone for a few minutes or longer? Not safe. But today, I just didn't feel like being bored while the kids played at the McDonald's playground after they ate their Happy Meals, so I took along a magazine to browse. And I truly only browsed it, glancing up a few times a minute to count--there's #1, there's #2. But in one of those split seconds that I didn't have my eye on Anderson, he creeped up all those tricky, leveled stairs to the tip top tunnel and then he got a little intimidated by the mesh openings in the tunnel. Luckily for me, (I did NOT want to squeeze my way up there!) Carter acted as a great big brother and successfully coaxed him through the tunnel and down the slide. And really, my point is--I always tell my kids, if they can't successfully maneuver an obstacle on the playground alone, they are not big enough for it yet--but after today (and all the other days that something happens to tell me this.) I have to finally admit that Anderson is no longer a baby. Boo.


wackywilsons said...

I think we are all "one of those people" that do things unintentially, despite what we thought we would NEVER do...

For example, I thought I would never give my kids junk food...which I rarely do, but I find myself eating it instead of them! That is wrong! ha!

I am waiting to see those freckles! Send pics!

Anonymous said...

Hey girls it's Joyana! I saw your blog on Kim's - you rock! I love your blog! I'll add you guys into ours at clarkandjoyana.blogspot.com

Natalie N said...

You are so funny! I can totally relate to all the "I'll NEVER ______" things I've said. They love to come back to bite me too.

When Tyler & I got married I made him promise me we'd NEVER:
1) live in California, and
2) drive a minivan.
Well, here I am doing both and loving life.

It's always fun to read your blog. Hope all is well. Take care!