July 08, 2008

I'm One of Those People. . . (part 2)

  • whose cell phone goes off during church. I was sitting in primary when I heard my cell phone ringing--thank goodness it was muffled by being inside my wristlet inside my church bag, but I immediately got up, ran out of singing time and turned it off. When I threw my wristlet in my church bag that morning, I forgot my cell phone was in it.
  • who lets her kid run around a store with out his shoes on because he won't stay in the stinking stroller/cart. You don't have to tell me how gross this is, I already know. Seriously, Anderson is a different breed than Carter. He can't run errands for longer than 15 minutes plus he takes his shoes off just about every time we're in the car. Sometimes, I have to throw my hands up in the air and let go of some of my stringent standards.


Anonymous said...

Gatta love you!!!! Gross yes...do we all let it happen...(uhhh..well...yes!) ok - guilty as charged. I'm the worst at opening half of my cart to stuff in my kids face just so they are happy and I can finish my grocery shopping before I have one more person tell me 'wow...you have your hands full'! You're a great mom - I love your true character!

Phillips Flips said...

Haha, I HATE shopping with my kids!!! Reason # 275 - this week I took them both grocery shopping and lost track of Delia. After searching the 4 aisles of our tiny military commissary and looking outside, a cleaning lady pointed me toward the paper towels where I heard a muffled "Mommy!" Delia was hiding from me on the bottom shelf behind the paper towels, laughing. Infuriatingly funny.

Phillips Flips said...

Oh and I have to say good luck on your new calling in Primary! What a huge job, but I know you will get it done (and done well). You might as well be leading a small army.

Jen and Kent said...

Hey, your blog is adorable!!! What a cute mom you are! We're so happy you and your family are in the ward. It has been so fun getting to know you!