June 01, 2008


Last weekend Marc and I enjoyed a weekend get-a-way to Tucson courtesy of his employer and my parents who took the kids as it's a no kids allowed trip. It is a tradition that his boss takes the whole staff on a "team building" retreat for Memorial Day weekend with the understanding that team building is expressed with air quotes. He really doesn't care if we don't see anyone from work the entire weekend and we pretty much didn't. Here are some of the highlights (and low lights)

  • waking up at 9:00 am thanks to those really thick drapes that hotels have
  • planning a 7 mile hike but cutting it down to 3-4 miles because of a mountain lion warning in the form of a neon green flyer and a Gila monster (a lizard the size of my arm) siting
  • horseback riding at sunset
  • lounging by the pool and playing Mario Kart on the Wii, pool side (luckily for everyone around me, I'm not as horrible of a driver in real life as I am in that game!)
  • catching a AAA baseball game where all the girls in our group beat all the guys in our group at some chucky cheese type game (the name of it escapes me at the moment) and won mini baseball bats. I was excited to take it home for the boys but on second thought, I envisioned my newly painted walls bashed in so it's hiding under my bed right now.
  • In-n-Out cheeseburgers and shakes--yah, Tucson has 'em too!
  • dinner at BJs--another one of our favorites that isn't in Colorado Springs
  • crying because we were in Tucson when my baby turned 4
  • crying because after only one of four nights away, Carter got choked up when I talked to him on the phone saying, "I just want you to come pick me up."
  • seeing the Indiana Jones movie and experiencing an unplanned intermission when the theater burned popcorn and set the fire alarms off.


Livingstone Family said...

I want to cry just seeing the picture of you by the suajaro cactus on your horse. AAAGH, makes me so homesick. We lived there with In-N Out opened and it was months before you could eat there without waiting for 2 hours. Did you have a good time? I am so jealous!

Misty said...

What a great weekend! How hard to leave your kids though! Glad you had a good time. The movie theater thing was funny....

Natalie N said...

How fun!! I love the pic in front of In N Out...cute little SoCal couple! What a treat for you. I love that it was a team building trip, but not heavy on the "team building." Sounds like a cool boss!
Wow, May was a busy month for you guys!