June 26, 2008


One of the things people notice and love about Carter are his freckles. They are sprinkled across his perfectly sloped and pointed nose and cheeks. In a "love letter" (requested by the Primary for a special Sharing Time) Marc and I wrote to him recently we mentioned that his freckles make him special. Since then, he's talked about them a little and this evening while drawing pictures of our family, he dotted his face with freckles. I just love that! I can't remember when Carter started getting freckles but he certainly wasn't born with them so I just searched through a few photos to figure out exactly when they started to appear. Sometime around his second birthday. And just a few days ago, I noticed the beginnings of freckles on Anderson's creamy, smooth skin. There's no other way to explain his skin--except for his ugly baby acne phase which lasted about 2 or 3 months, he's always had a milky soft face. But, apparently my children's faces don't survive two summers without becoming freckled by the sun! Which is okay with me--I love them either way.


Julie said...

Diana -

I never leave comments on people's blogs, facebook, etc. In fact I don't even blog. I've realized why I don't - because I read your wonderfully written blog and I hold myself to that standard :)

I won't dwell on it. You're just very talented and wonderful!

I love your blogs where you describe one moment in time, and it feels like I'm there with you and your family again. I miss you and your sweet boys.

jenn and flay said...

Ahh, the joys of the intense Colorado Sun. All of my freckles and moles have reappeared and my baby is as brown as a coconut.

I think it is great that he loves his freckles. I have always loved mine. Now they are helping to disguise my age spots. What more can you ask for.

R A C H A E L said...

Cute Freckles. I think they are the epitomy of childhood cuteness. Your boys are so cute anyways.

R A C H A E L said...

I'm adding you to my blog, btw